SYLVIA says: waiter I like my salad very hot also can I have 2 bottles of sharwarma
SHARON says: ore mi give me your pin let me call you...
MABEL says: I'm so tired I just made my hair @ shoprite
... REJOICE replies: really? I want to spend my summer in london this chrismas period
CYNTHIA explains: I just bought a BB but I haven't collected my pin
BOSE brags: when I'm flying I like to sit at the window cos I open it for fresh air
FATIMA says: I prefer london to UK during winter
TITI says: you can't imagine;I just bought a g-string and the thing I love most about it is the back pocket..
BUKOLA orders: if you don't have meat pie,egg roll or scotch egg;give me snacks
TOYIN laments: in our house ehn,we use to have 3 poolsuntil armed robbers stole one